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TED2018 | The Age of Amazement

Session 11: What matters

  • Cos love
    Video interstitial
  • A Tribe Called Red
    The Canadian DJ collective A Tribe Called Red is a gateway into urban and contemporary indigenous culture and experience, celebrating all its layers and complexity.
  • John Doerr
    John Doerr is an engineer, a venture capitalist and the chair of Kleiner Perkins.
  • Gary Liu
    Gary Liu is CEO of the South China Morning Post, a leading news media company that has reported on China and Asia for more than a century.
  • Reed Hastings
    As co-founder and CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings is revolutionizing the world of entertainment.
  • Walter Hood
    Walter Hood imagines urban spaces as a new kind of public sculpture -- full of beauty, strangeness and idiosyncrasy.
  • Mark Pollock
    Mark Pollock was the first blind person to race to the South Pole. Now he's exploring where humans and technology collide on a new expedition to fast-track a cure for paralysis.
  • Simone George
    Simone George works with women and children experiencing abuse and creates collaborations to cure paralysis.
  • Ingrid Fetell Lee
    Ingrid Fetell Lee is a designer whose work focuses on the way that design affects our happiness and wellbeing.
  • Baratunde Thurston
    Baratunde Thurston is a writer and performer who uses comedy and stories to communicate complex ideas -- and advocate for a better world.
